NCUB Vitrini

Dext was delighted to be the first case study in a recent booklet from the National Centre for Universities and Business. The document presented ten examples from across the UK demonstrating how universities have successfully collaborated with small and medium sized businesses.

You can read the booklet burada.

According to NCUB, ‘engagement between universities and businesses of all sizes is vital for economic growth and tackling many of the challenges facing society. SMEs account for more than 99% of registered firms and 60% of total private sector employment in the country. SMEs can achieve their goals more efficiently when supported by academics who can develop practical solutions to their problems.’

We can’t argue with that! Gareth joined the Dext team following a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Sheffield Hallam University, and definitely helped develop all manner of practical solutions to industry challenges.

We have always been vocal about the opportunities brought about by Dext collaborating with SHU.
