Neil was impressed with the skills that Gareth contributed during the KTP project and, in sight of the recent lessons learnt during the ‘Apollo’ project, invited him to join the team.
Gareth was appointed a senior role within DEXT, where he immediately began the application process for a UKRI project titled “Advanced heat recovery systems for the food manufacturing industry, DEXT.”

The plan initiated a detailed R&D project to address the previous engineering challenges discovered with project ‘Apollo’ and develop the in-duct heat exchanger into a mass-market product.
Gareth’s production engineering experience meant he focused on the application of the combined simulation, experimental findings and production techniques to strategically plan a comprehensive R&D route.
- Designed a pre-project engineering pathfinder to maintain the momentum of commercial interest.
- Successfully implemented a new manufacturing method for the core technology to reduce production costs and increase performance potential.
- Successfully trialled a MK2 version of the wind tunnel test facility.
- Submitted a comprehensive R&D project plan to United Kingdom Research & Innovation – Innovate UK.