A Saucy Sideline

From the state-of-the-art splashback absorbing heat behind the grill, to the heat recovery unit in the extract duct – Nando’s often turns to Dext for innovative engineering solutions.
So it was little surprise that, during the pandemic, Nando’s Group Head of Design asked Dext founder Neil to create a contactless sauce dispenser. 

This clever concept then evolved into the latest version, serving sauce ‘on draught’ and it has absolutely delighted customers at restaurants so far.

In fact, it went viral on tiktok and several news outlets wrote about it.

The unveiling of this sauce dispenser technology is particularly well timed, with the recent EU decision to ban sauce sachets by 2030. Nando’s has often led the way in environmental issues – already using only glass bottles, and other restaurants may be looking for similar ways to reduce their single use plastics.

Despite all the positive attention on the sauce pump, the invention Neil is still most proud of is the one working away in the background – helping save the planet by recycling heat that would otherwise be wasted:

This invention (the DexThermic) sits in the extract duct, capturing heat before it escapes out of the building and into the atmosphere. 

To put things in context: in a year, the average Nando’s kitchen produces enough energy to heat 30 homes for a year. This energy, which is simply the result of cooking and diners’ body heat, can be recycled and redirected to use for heating and hot water throughout the restaurant.

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